1. This Privacy Policy on the website https//: KEBROC.COM (the “Privacy Policy”) shall define the position and intentions of the Website Owner with respect to the collection of personal data and Cookies of Website users, as well as the use of such information to respect and protect human and civil rights and freedoms, in particular, the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets, protection of honor, dignity.
    2. This Privacy Policy shall apply to any information related to personal data, as well as information that may be obtained by the Website Owner using Cookies, as well as information about the IP address of the User.
    3. This Privacy Policy concerns solely the processing of information specified in Clause 1.2 of the Privacy Policy, and does not mean any intention of the Website Owner to enter into any contract and/or agreement with the User.
    •  Website Owner shall mean the Website administrator or a person actually owning the Website, independently or jointly with other persons arranging the collection of and collecting information using cookies, collecting and processing personal data, as well as determining the purposes and methods of using such information.
    •  User shall mean a person using the Website.
    •  Website shall mean a collection of information contained in an information system, access whereto is provided via the Internet information and telecommunications network under https//: KEBROC.COM domain name.
    • Personal Data shall mean any information pertaining directly or indirectly to a specific or identifiable individual (a personal data subject, a Website user), including last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, address, phone number, email address.
    • Personal Data Processing shall mean any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) performed with or without the use of automation tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, and destruction of personal data.
    • Personal Data Automated Processing shall mean personal data processing using computer technology.
    • Personal Data Depersonalization shall mean actions as a result of which it is impossible to determine, without the use of additional information, the attribution of personal data to the User or any other personal data subject.
    • The Operator shall mean the Website Owner independently or jointly with other persons arranging the processing of and processing personal data, as well as determining the purposes of personal data processing, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions (operations) performed with personal data.
    • Use of Information obtained through Cookies shall mean any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) performed with or without automation tools with information obtained using Cookies, including its collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, and destruction.
    • Cookies shall mean a piece of data sent by the web server and stored on the User’s computer, which the web client or web browser sends to the web server each time in an HTTP request when a user tries to open a page of the corresponding website.
    • IP address shall mean a unique network address of a node in a computer network built using the IP protocol.
    • Profile shall mean a personalized section of the Website that contains the User’s personal data and provides the User with the opportunity to use the personalized functions of the website, which is accessed using the login (email address) and password selected by the User.
    • Mailing shall mean automated mailing by the Website Owner of e-mail messages to a group of recipients according to a pre-compiled list.
    • Order on the Website shall mean the User’s intention expressed through the Website functions to purchase the goods of the Website Owner on the terms and in the manner provided for on the Website.
    1. The User’s use of the Website shall mean full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Privacy Policy. In case of disagreement with the terms of the Privacy Policy, the User shall leave the Website.
    2. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, UNICO, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, shall be recognized as the Website Owner and the Personal Data Operator.
      INN: 7731391088 / KPP: 770301001 / OGRN 5177746187867
      BankALFA-BANK, JSC, Correspondent account: 30101810200000000593
      BIC: 044525593
    3. The Website Owner does not control and shall not be responsible for third-party websites which the User may access through links posted on the Website.
    1.  The User gives their consent to the processing of personal data by the Operator (Website Owner) by performing as follows:
      – registration of the User profile on the Website;
      – subscription to the mailing to the email address using the form on the Website;
      – making an order on the Website without registration and/or authentication on the Website;
      – the entering of personal data in other cases when it is provided for on the Website.
    2. The User’s personal data include, but not limited to, the following information: surname, first name, address, phone number and e-mail address of the User.
    3. By posting their personal data on the Website, the User confirms that they voluntarily provide personal data to the Operator.
    4. Consent to the personal data processing shall be valid indefinitely and may be revoked at any time. The User shall be given the opportunity to access, view, edit personal data by changing the User profile, as well as by sending a corresponding written request to the Operator to the email address specified on the Website.
    5. When entering an e-mail address on the Website, the User will give the Operator consent to the Operator’s sending e-mails to the User about new products and goods, special offers, promotions, events and various situations. The User may refuse to receive emails at any time.
    6. When entering an e-mail address in the Mailing form posted on the Website, the User gives the Operator consent to the Operator’s sending the e-mails specified in Cl. 4.5 hereof, as well as to receiving regular mailings from the Website Owner.
    7. The User shall not post personal data of third parties on the Website, as well as data that do not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Privacy Policy.
    8. The Operator shall neither verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the User, nor be able to assess the User’s capacity.
    9. The Operator shall collect, store and process only those personal data that are necessary for the Website functioning, as well as creation, processing and execution of User’s orders.
    10. The Operator shall process the User’s personal data for the following purposes:
      1. User identification;
      2. providing the User with access to the personalized functions of the Website;
      3. establishing communication with the User, including sending notifications, requests and other information;
      4. determining the User’s location;
      5. creating a User profile;
      6. creating, processing and executing User’s orders on the Website;
      7. storing information about products on the Website that the User adds to the “Favorites” section on the Website;
      8. storing information about products that the User added to the cart on the Website;
      9. improving the Website quality, the convenience of its use, the development of new functions;
      10. targeting of advertising materials;
    11. conducting statistical and other research based on depersonalized data.With respect to the User’s personal data, their confidentiality is maintained, except in cases where the User voluntarily provides information about him/herself for general access to an unlimited number of persons.
    12. When processing personal data, the Operator undertakes to take all necessary and sufficient measures to protect the User’s personal data from illegal actions of third parties. The Operator shall not be responsible for the safety of the User’s personal data in the event of a technical failure in the operation of the Website, a virus or hacker attack, technical malfunctions and other circumstances entailing unauthorized access by third parties to the User’s personal data.
    13. The Operator may transfer the User’s personal data to third parties if the User has expressed their consent to such transfer, if it is necessary to create, process and execute the User’s order on the Website, as well as in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    1. The Information collected using Cookies and information about the IP address do not constitute personal data and do not personally identify the User. Such information includes data about the User’s computer settings, Internet connection, operating system, statistical information about the User’s visits to the Website, and geographical location of the User.
    2. The Website Owner shall collect and store only the information obtained using Cookies, which shall be necessary for the Website operation, its correct display on the User’s devices and the provision of services to the User.
    3. The Website Owner shall collect information about the User using Cookies in order to:
      • ensure the correct Website operation;
      • account the Website traffic statistics;
      • ensure User identification without registration and/or authentication on the Website;
      • provide Users with access to the personalized functions of the Website without registration and/or authentication on the Website;
      • track the User’s movements on the Website;
      • track the actions that the User performs on the Website;
      • store information about goods on the Website that the User adds to the “Favorites” section, including without registration and/or authentication on the Website;
      • store information about goods on the Website that the User has added to the cart on the Website, including without registration and/or authentication on the Website;
      • store information about the User’s search queries on the Website;
      • display ads.
    4. The Website Owner shall collect information about the User’s IP address in order to identify and solve technical problems.
    5. The Website Owner shall collect information about the User using Cookies and information about the User’s IP address for the purposes specified in Clauses 5.3-5.4 hereof, regardless of the registration and/or authorization of the User on the Website.
    6. The User’s use of the Website shall constitute consent to the collection of information about it using Cookies and the collection of information about the IP address. In case of disagreement with the terms of collecting such information, the User shall leave the Website.
    7. The User may disable Cookies. In this case, some of the Website functions will become unavailable.
    8. The Website Owner may transfer the information obtained as a result of the use of Cookies and information about the User’s IP address to third parties for the purposes specified in Clauses 5.3-5.4 hereof.
    1. The User and the Website Owner shall be liable for violating the terms of this Privacy Policy in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.
    2. All disputes arising from this Privacy Policy shall be resolved in court in accordance with the applicable procedural legislation of the Russian Federation.
    3. This Privacy Policy shall be valid as amended on January 1, 2020.
    4. The Website Owner may amend the provisions of this Privacy Policy unilaterally. The restated version of the Privacy Policy shall become effective once posted on the Internet information and telecommunications network at https//:KEBROC.COM.



These Rules contain the terms of an offer to purchase goods and constitute a public offer in accordance with Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The Customer shall be deemed to have accepted the offer when they place an order for the offered goods.

When operating, the Online Store shall be guided by the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation No. 2300-1 On Protection of Consumer Rights dated February 7, 1992, the Rules for Sale of Goods under a Retail Sale Agreement (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2463 dated December 31, 2020) and other applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Online Store may amend these Rules without any special notice, and the restated version of the Rules shall become effective once posted on the Website, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Rules. This shall not apply to legal relations between the Customer and the Online Store that arose before the new version of the Rules came into force. The current version of the Rules shall always be available at: https//:KEBROC.COM, https//:KEBROC.RU.

Either Party represents to the other Party that they have the necessary legal competency and capacity, as well as all the rights and powers necessary and sufficient to enter into and execute a retail sale agreement.

The Customer agrees to these Rules by ticking the “I agree with the Rules of Sale” box when placing an Order on the Order placement page.

When sending an Order to the e-mail address of the Online Store or when placing an Order by phone at the contact center, the Customer shall confirm that they have read and agreed with these Rules.




Account Number: 40702810201100013322

INN: 7731391088 / KPP: 770301001 / OGRN 5177746187867

Bank: ALFA-BANK, JSC, Correspondent account: 30101810200000000593

BIC: 044525593

Customer shall mean a fully capable individual who has the intention to order or purchase, or who orders (purchases), or is indicated as the recipient of the Goods in the Seller’s Online Store or uses the Goods exclusively for personal, family, household and other needs not pertaining to any business.

Recipient shall mean an individual who actually accepts the Order. Unless otherwise specified, the Customer shall be deemed to be the Recipient of the goods. Any other individual specified by the Customer when placing an Order and being the Customer’s representative may act as a Recipient. Unless otherwise specified herein, the Recipient shall be subject to all rights and obligations set for the Customer.

Online Store shall mean a collection of information resources administered by the Seller and/or third parties engaged in compliance with the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation, including an Internet site at https//:KEBROC.COM, https//:KEBROC.RU, which presents the Goods offered by the Seller to their Customers for placing Orders, as well as the terms of sale, payment and delivery of these Orders to Customers and the terms of return, when this is permissible in accordance with the applicable law. A reference to the Online Store herein shall include the Website.

Website shall mean a collection of Internet pages located on the Internet at https//:KEBROC.COM, https//:KEBROC.RU on which the Seller offers the Goods to their Customers for placing Orders.

Goods shall mean any physical items that have not been withdrawn from civil circulation and are offered for sale on the Website exclusively for personal, family, household and other needs not pertaining to any business. The subject of purchase and sale may only be Goods that are available, that is, Goods for which the “Add to Cart” button is active.

Order shall mean a request made by the Customer and confirmed by the Seller in accordance with these Rules for the sale of goods in the Online Store for delivery of a list of Goods selected in the Online Store to the specified address. An Order may be placed both for the purpose of entering into a retail purchase and sale agreement, and for exchanging or replacing Goods under an earlier executed agreement in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Order (Goods) Cancellation shall mean a technical action of the Seller, which does not imply the Seller’s refusal to perform the agreement, that shall be carried out in the Online Store and state that some Goods in the Order (Goods cancellation) or all Goods in the Order (Order cancellation) may not be transferred to the Customer under the current Order.

Delivery Service shall mean a third party that provides services for the delivery of Orders to Customers under an agreement with the Seller. The Seller may independently determine the Delivery Service without the Customer’s consent. The updated information about the delivery service shall be posted in the Online Store in the Order form.

External Website shall mean a website on the global Internet, the link whereto is posted at https//:KEBROC.COM, https//:KEBROC.RU.

Account shall mean an account containing the information necessary to identify the Customer in the Online Store, as well as information for authorization and record purposes.

Promotion shall mean an offer addressed to Customers to purchase Goods on certain conditions (in a specified range, at certain price, on certain delivery conditions, for a limited time, etc.), published in the Online Store and/or in other information sources.

Personal Account shall mean a section of the website where the Customer’s personal data, information about previously completed and current orders are stored.

Gift Card shall mean a card with a magnetic stripe / barcode / microprocessor / a unique number of a certain denomination (card) or an electronic gift certificate (virtual card) in the form of a link, having a unique identification code, designed to account for the obligations of the Seller to the Customer for the transfer of Goods to the latter.


When registering in the Online Store, the Customer shall provide reliable registration information.

The Customer shall be liable for the violation of these Rules in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In case of damage to a third party, other Customers or the Online Store, the Customer shall compensate the damage in full and in the amount in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Customer shall not disclose the login and password specified during registration to a third party. If the Customer suspects that the security of their login and password is compromised or any unauthorized use thereof by a third party may occur, the Customer shall immediately notify the Seller by submitting a request in the Feedback section. Also, the Customer may independently change their password in the Personal Account at any time.


The Seller shall protect the Customer’s registration information.

The Seller shall not disclose the Customer’s registration information to a third party, except to the extent provided for by the applicable law and these Rules.

The Seller shall not be liable for the Customer’s self-disclosure of their registration information to other Customers.

Should the Customer breach any terms of these Rules or the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation, the Seller reserves the right to transfer registration information, IP address, any other information to the stakeholders.

The Seller may use information about the Customer’s actions, in order to improve the Online Store operation.

The Seller reserves the right to close, suspend, change the operation mode of the Online Store or its part by relevantly changing these Rules without prior notice to the Customer. These changes shall be effective from when the new version of the Rules was posted on the Website.


The legislation of the Russian Federation shall apply to the relations between the Customer and the Seller.

Should the Customer have any question or complaint, they may contact the Customer Support Service by phone +79267696333 or by e-mail HELLO@KEBROC.COM.

The Parties shall endeavor to resolve all disputes arising between them through negotiations, and if no agreement is reached, the dispute may be referred to the court for consideration according to the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.


If you want to cancel the Order and refund the prepayment, you may contact the Customer Support by phone +79267696333 or email us at HELLO@KEBROC.COM, indicating REFUND and your order number in the subject of the letter.

If you cancel a paid Order, the prepayment amount will be refunded to you automatically within 10 days from the date of your Order cancellation. In case of an Order with delivery via Russian Post, the prepayment amount will be refunded to you automatically within 10 days after the order has returned to the warehouse.

Please note that the term for crediting funds to the card depends on the issuing bank and may be up to 30 days.

Return of Goods of Proper Quality

Goods of proper quality shall be the Goods that have no deficiencies that prevent the use thereof for the intended purpose.

Goods of proper quality specified in the List of Non-Food Goods of Proper Quality, not Subject to Exchange, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2463 dated December 31, 2020, including personal hygiene items, perfumery and cosmetic products, household chemicals, products and materials, fully or partially made of polymer materials and in contact with food products shall not be returned and exchanged.

The goods of proper quality not specified in Clauses 2 and 3 of this Section may be returned under the following conditions:

no more than 7 days have passed since the order was received;

the presentation, configuration and consumer properties of the goods have been preserved, namely: branded packaging, labels, stickers have been preserved, there are no contamination and damage, as well as other signs of the use of the goods.

Return of Goods of Inadequate Quality

Goods of inadequate quality shall be the goods that do not meet the requirements for this category of goods in regulatory legal acts and regulatory documents or the terms of an agreement with consumers.

If the Goods of inadequate quality are returned, the cost of the Goods and its delivery will be refunded to the buyer.

The Goods purchased only in the Online Store at https//:KEBROC.COM shall be accepted for return. The return of goods purchased in the offline KEBROC store shall be carried out through the cash desk.

You may return the goods of inadequate quality only within one month upon receipt of the Order.


We use the services of CDEK courier delivery.

The delivery time depends on the destination. If all the selected goods are in stock, the delivery time in Moscow and St. Petersburg shall take from 1 to 2 business days. Delivery in Russia shall take up to 7 business days, delivery to remote and small towns may take longer.

The cost of delivery in Moscow (within the Moscow Ring Road) and St. Petersburg (within the Ring Road) shall be RUB 350. Delivery shall be free of charge when ordering for an amount of RUB 6,000 and more.

The delivery service will operate daily from 10.00 a.m. to 07.00 p.m.

If you need delivery on the day of the order placement, please contact us at the phone number indicated on the website (available for Moscow and St. Petersburg).


The cost of delivery to the regions shall be calculated automatically during the order placement process.

Delivery shall be free of charge when ordering for an amount of RUB 6,000 and more.

Courier service operating hours: 09.00 a.m.-7.00 p.m., Mon-Fri.

Delivery to the south of Russia will be carried out by land transport and take longer than usual.

Payment for the order may be made on the website.

Available payment methods: bank card, gift cards.

All requests paid with bank cards shall be authorized by the bank.

Touch Us



2-я Бауманская 9/23 стр. 3 Supermetall, Москва, 105005

About Kebroc

A newfound name for a fresh start, inspired by the mystical cedar tree.
Throughout history, cedar has been considered cosmic,
magnificent, sacred, eternal, as the tree of the gods…

in addition to all these accolates, Cedar was also the first encounter in the creation of Kebroc.

The word cedar is derived from Greek κέδρος (kédros) which is the visual inspiration of the logo.

Senses bridge our environment and brain through our body. This myriad of information, processed by our sensory systems, enables us to engage in the world around us, in many different ways.

Smell, the most sincere link to our emotions Our sense of smell is so inherently honest, what we smell directly evokes emotions and memories. What makes the sense of smell unique among other senses is that its receptor cells are themselves neurons. The olfactory system is directly connected to the limbic system where the emotions and memory are regulated.
That’s why a scent can trigger a memory and instantly bring us to that unique moment. A fragrance is powerful enough to take us back and forth in time and to make it a lasting memory. Indulging the senses and allowing to reconnect with in and the world. This, we call, The Kebroc Experience.

Hard work, high quality materials, good taste are combined to create a range of products that STIMULATE YOUR SENSES.